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Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement


StageClip is committed to addressing the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”). We acknowledge the undertakings in the Act and the risks of modern slavery, and will aim to create a culture of transparency with regards to the supply of goods and services to us.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Act and constitutes the Company’s modern slavery and human trafficking statement, as required by the Act, for the financial year ended 31 March 2019.

Supply Chain and Due Diligence

We are committed to ensuring that our supply chain is free of any slavery and/or human trafficking. We will not knowingly support and/or do business with any suppliers who are involved in slavery.

StageClip will aim to identify and eradicate any slavery risks. We recognise our obligations under the Act, and will work towards a full set of procedures to meet the requirements during 2021. We will:

– Adopt a process to request information regarding third party supplier’s working practices and require the relevant key supplier to confirm that it is aware of, and complies with, its obligations under the Act;

– Communicate to potential key suppliers that we have a zero-tolerance policy with regards to slavery;

1. Ensure that key suppliers provide confirmation that they have:
2. Undertaken a review of their supply chain; Established that it is free from modern slavery; and
3. Ensure that all their representatives (including employees, agents, suppliers and subcontractors) conduct business with and/or on behalf of StageClip in accordance with our procedures.


This statement, which will be reviewed annually and updated as required, has been reviewed by key stakeholders and has been approved by the StageClip Board on February 2021.

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