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Employee Spotlight
Mark Andrew
Early riser, tea drinker, COO and Director.
Where did you graduate from?
St. Andrews University.
What is your role at StageClip, and what does your job entail?
COO and Director. The role technically covers non sales roles but in reality the role covers all aspect of the business in partnership with the CEO. The director role has broader responsibilities for strategy and external facing responsibilities with investors and government requirements.
Any advice for those currently graduating?
Savor the moment of graduating and celebrate your hard work, friendships and achievements.
What is your favorite thing about working at StageClip?
Working with such a strong team and clients to build the business and bring a lot of joy to so many people…
How did you end up working for StageClip?
The StageClip idea came from Rupert who I have known as a friend for over 30 years. We got together for 6 weeks to write a business plan and strategy and after 5 weeks we decided to turn the plan into a business.
What’s the best part of your job?
Growing the client base
What do you like to do when you aren’t working?
Being a dad and following pretty much all professional sports – particularly horseracing, football, and skiing.
What is the one thing you can’t live without and why?
A strong cup of tea at the beginning of the day!
Do you have a favorite saying, quote, or personal mantra and if so, what is it and why?
Work hard, play hard and aim high.
Who / what motivates you?
That’s a tough one as I think a lot of motivation is to a large extent innate. I am competitive so that is a natural driver.
What does your daily routine look like?
Early up, cup of tea, clear emails, shower, IT and UK morning meetings, breakfast, focus on clients and finance, find a gap in the diary to take the dog out, lunch normally at the desk, US meetings during the afternoon, aim to clear the daily to do list by 7pm, supper then do evening check ins with the US team. Unwind with TV or comedy podcast!
What have been your most significant achievements working for our company?
Building and structuring the team which is so fundamental to the performance of the team. Ru and I spend a huge amount of time focusing on this to get the balance and the culture of the business right.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Not packing in the hours quite as much as the business is bigger and running so well!
What skill do you think everyone should learn?
I put collaboration and communication at the top of the list! Understand all the angles on discussions and then the logical decisions look after themselves!
What advice would you provide to someone interested in [your field]?
Build a good team of people you want to work with.
What was the most recent book you read?
The Storyteller autobiography by Dave Grohl lead singer of the Foo Fighters.
What show are you currently binge-watching?
Clarkson’s Farm series 2 on Prime
What’s your most-used productivity hack?
Task functionality in SalesForce is very effective
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
100% morning
How do you find working remotely?
Up side is no commute but you have to be disciplined to get some fresh air and exercise. Downside is not having the face to face interactions on a day to day basis.
What is a fun fact most people may not know about you?
I am a first-generation graduate.
”The StageClip idea came from Rupert who I have known as a friend for over 30 years. We got together for 6 weeks to write a business plan and strategy and after 5 weeks we decided to turn the plan into a business.
Mark AndrewAccount Executive
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