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From traditional commencement ceremonies to virtual events, graduates are now able to look back on their educational journey in a whole new way. Thanks to StageClip’s Rewind video clips, many universities are leveraging the power of technology to reach out of touch alumni, boost engagement, and make graduation ceremonies more engaging and memorable. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of these clips, including how they help build brand engagement and provide valuable keepsakes for graduates.

What Is a Rewind Video Clip?

A subset of our graduation video clips, rewind video clips are expertly crafted videos that allow institutions to create personalized video recognition clips for each graduate, no matter how old the clip is. The clips typically include a few minutes of edited footage that capture the most special moments of the ceremony. As a testament to our quality, StageClip’s rewind videos are professionally edited to create an engaging, memorable experience for those watching.

For ease of access, university coordinators can use Rewind Clips in a few simple steps for each graduate:

  1. Uploading their list of alumni names and emails
  2. Uploading their archive video
  3. Gathering contact data

Itching to reconnect with old friends? Start with an example of how our Rewind Clips work.

How Do Rewind Video Clips Benefit Graduates?

The stressors of daily life can make us forget about some of our brightest moments, and, as time passes, it’s easy for grads to lose touch with other alumni and their alma mater.  Thankfully, rewind video clips provide graduates with a unique memento of their ceremony. Rather than simply viewing a full-length recording of the event or flipping through photos after the fact, these clips enable graduates to relive their special day.

These clips provide a direct window into the past, and some viewers can remember everything from outfits worn by family members to the taste of the celebratory champagne. Plus, the clips can be shared easily on social media or sent directly to friends and family members who may have been unable to attend in person. Furthermore, they can be watched over and over again—providing graduates with an invaluable reminder of their achievements.

How Do Rewind Video Clips Help Universities and Alumni Associations?

On the university level, Rewind Clips are immensely beneficial. Since these videos are naturally incorporated into alumni exit surveys at the end of commencement ceremonies (the best time for an alumni survey response), they’re an excellent method for collecting new email addresses, employment data, and prospect information for any foundation, annual giving, or alumni office.

The facts don’t lie. When universities attempt to conduct their own graduate surveys, they only receive a 15-20% completion rate. But with StageClip, schools get up to three to five times a higher completion rate, resulting in proven results of up to 93%.

Statistics aside, since these videos are often shared widely on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, they bring promo to the current graduation clips and enable institutions to reach larger audiences.

Additionally, using rewind video clips helps universities make more efficient use of time and resources during graduation ceremonies—allowing them to focus more time on other aspects, such as keynote speeches or student recognition initiatives. As a result, this allows universities to deliver better experiences both in-person and online while still celebrating each graduate within the allotted time frame.

Other Uses for Rewind Clips

All graduation ceremony video clips have their importance, but universities can also use Rewind Clips to:

  • Efficiently re-establish relationships with out-of-touch alumni
  • Plan an advancement strategy
  • Understand graduate career patterns
  • Capture up-to-date email addresses and phone numbers

Key Takeaways

By leveraging our Rewind Video Clips for their commencement ceremonies, universities and alumni associations can provide graduates with valuable keepsakes while boosting brand engagement across the web. Whether you’re organizing virtual or traditional events or hosting an alumni meeting, these videos represent an easy way to make your graduation ceremony more meaningful for participants.

Choose StageClip for Continued Innovation

At StageClip, we value driven, innovative solutions that put our clients first. With our highly beneficial Rewind Clips, we’ve been able to do the impossible and reconnect with alums that seemed long out of touch.

With that, there’s even more reason why our personalized clip services are so important. We know that keeping alumni engaged is never as easy after graduation day. But by partnering with us, we’ll simplify the process for you while you get a boost in metrics.

Are you ready to see instant results that’ll transform your alumni strategy?

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