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Highlights of this case study

46% of graduates

reviewed and approved their name pronunciation prior to the ceremony.

On average, 1 in 3 graduates

who reviewed their name recording submitted changes for the pronunciation.

The Need

Making Recognition Personal… and Accurate

As part of their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, Gonzaga University wanted to make graduate recognition more personalized and accurate at their ceremony. A major factor was name pronunciation, which can be embarrassing for graduates and disappointing for their loved ones when read incorrectly.

See a sample clip from Gonzaga's ceremony!
The Solution

Advanced A.I. Solutions for Name Reading

We partnered with CenterStage to provide our proprietary A.I. name-reading platform for Gonzaga’s Spring 2022 ceremonies. Graduates were able to preview the pronunciation of their name prior to the ceremony and provide corrections if needed.

To reinforce their accurate recognition, we also created personalized graduate video clips and slides displayed during the ceremony as their names were read, working on-site with the organizers to make sure the process was a success.

The Results

Sharing Life’s Big Moments

Our customer service and commitment to making sure StageClip services fit into the brand and voice of the campus—not our own—was key to the ceremony’s success, resulting in:

  • greater efficiency
  • improved accuracy
  • increased student recognition, and
  • creating the best possible graduation experience.

Judging by the positive feedback from their graduates and family members, StageClip earned top honors.

StageClip has been a fantastic partner with Gonzaga University, from the right application of their tools and services…to providing stellar customer service to our team throughout the event.

Angela Ruff
Project and Event Manager, Gonzaga University